Unfortunately, we’re still in the midst of a “Sommerloch”, with little to report as to what’s going on next week.
Maybe I’ve just missed a whole bunch of interesting events, so if you know of something cool going on in Bavaria, do let me know!
Today was a bit of a wash-out for the annual ox race in Bavaria – where a load of Bavarians sit atop an ox and “race” (it’s all pretty slow, to be honest) along a course with hundreds of fans cheering them on:
I mentioned how, along with Bavarian finger wrestling, insane the Bavarians can be. Then he mentioned how the English roll cheese down a hill. Fair point.
For a spectacular show of local artistic/graphic talent, you really must head down to the Viehhof beer garden on Tuesday, from 7:30pm, to check out my friends’ work in the Viehhof tent. Entrance is 5 €, and it will be well worth it. Plus, you’ll get to meet some super cool people. There will be music and light shows – and while you’re there, try out the Giesing brewery’s beer – their Plopp pils is quite something.
On Wednesday, US reviewing site Yelp is hosting a vernissage to their pop-up art exhibition at Arts’n’Boards in Schwabing. The theme is “Mei Mingaliebe!” and Instagram photos of Munich will be exhibited, which can be bought for 49 € a piece. Profits go to the Kwale District e.V., so you’ll be gaining a lovely art work while benefitting a very worthwhile charity.
On Thursday, August 29, Nerd Nite, presented by Zündfunk/Bayern 2 is taking place in the Neuraum. Entrance is 5 € and kicks off at 7:30 pm. If you’re a Star Trek fan, make sure you show up – Mario Kuduz is talking about the science behind the series. The entire Nerd Nite is focused very much on astrophysics this time around – Peter Buschkamp is also talking about a telescope in Arizona.
Next Sunday sees the Rave Autonomica Open Air at Olympiapark – an entire day of sun and music, starting from midday. I’ll be honest, it’s not really my sort of music, but if you are into it, it’ll be a fun day with plenty of people. Tickets cost 23 € and can be ordered here.
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