© "Aktion Sichere Wiesn für Mädchen und Frauen" c/o AMYNA e.V.

Refuge point for women at the Oktoberfest

There’s a campaign to ensure women’s safety at Oktoberfest this year, and I think it’s a fantastic idea.

© "Aktion Sichere Wiesn für Mädchen und Frauen" c/o AMYNA e.V.
© “Aktion Sichere Wiesn für Mädchen und Frauen” c/o AMYNA e.V.

In 2012, the number of reported sexual assault cases increased – and that was despite a reduction in Oktoberfest-goers. So many times, I’ve seen girls wandering lost and drunk around the Theresienwiese, and a refuge point is completely necessary.

The campaign is called a “sichere Wiesn für Mädchen und Frauen” and they have a website in various languages available here. The main idea is prevention, rather than treatment. The website lists tips for Oktoberfest visitors, to avoid them ending up in dangerous situations. I can wholeheartedly recommend arranging a meeting point just inside a tent, should you end up lost. I don’t want to preach here, but I know from personal experience how easy it is to lose people after a couple of Maß and a lot of dancing.

oktoberfest-safer-womenThe refuge point is located behind the Schottenhamel tent, just beneath the Bavaria statue, by the Red Cross. They’re open daily from 6 pm to 1 am, and Saturday from 3pm to 1am. Their phone number is also worth putting in your phone, just in case: +49 89/ 50 222 366.

Stay safe, ladies!

Categories Culture


I'm Rachel, the author behind Arts in Munich. I moved to Munich in the summer of 2008, and work as an editor in the city. I also do freelance work for the BBC, MONOCLE, Singapore Airlines and Kaltblut, among others, and previously wrote for the Huffington Post and Electronic Beats.

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