Forever Young premiered last Saturday, November 17 in Munich. The ballet features three performances, from three different periods of time. Nevertheless, the pieces have retained a timeless quality, and have been combined to create Forever Young.
My very favourite piece was the first – Broken Fall, which was beautifully fluid (Stephanie Hancox’s performance was particularly good). The piece was created by British choreograph Russell Maliphant. Many of Maliphant’s pieces focus on the seamless flow of dance, and Broken Fall was the embodiment of this.
The second performance was choreographed by modern dance pioneer José Arcadio Limón. In Forever Young, Limón’s most famous work, The Moor’s Pavane is performed. The performance is based on Shakespeare’s Othello, and it is magical:
The third piece is Choreartium, a magnificent performance, choreographed by Léonide Massine, undoubtedly one of the best dancers and choreographers of the 1920s and 30s. Choreartium was first performed in London in 1933, and is danced to Johannes Brahms’s Fourth Symphony.
To whet your appetite, here are a few excerpts from Forever Young:
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