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Next week in Munich – Knitting, Milla, The Readery

Happy New Year! How’s 2013 going so far? Have you already got back into the swing of things post-Christmas slump? I managed to catch Beethoven’s ninth at the Munich Philharmonic last week, which was beautiful, despite a short nap. Everyone around me had forty winks too, there clearly wasn’t enough oxygen up where we were! (Or an evening out after work was too much for us all, after a couple of weeks of doing nothing over Christmas). Anyway, Munich’s starting the year off with a bunch of fun things to do – here are a few…

Knit Nite: Thankfully, Import Export didn’t close down, despite reports. Instead, they’re now offering Tuesday Knit Nites – “just beer and knitting. Unplugged”. If you haven’t used those needles in a while, dust them down, buy a ball of wool and go knit your heart out with like-minded people. If you’re after an English-speaking knit group, Stitch ‘n’ Bitch meet every Sunday, 6pm in Cafe Jasmin.

Milla: I blogged about Götz Widmann’s show at Milla last month, and the young club (run by Munich indie label Millaphon) is going from strength to strength. I wanted to check it out last Saturday, but too many G & Ts in Lola rendered that all but a dream. However, I will be there this month at some point, as they have some cool gigs coming up. The jazz trio, Trio Elf are playing next Wednesday, 16 January. Jazz mag Downbeat raved about them, and they’re one of Germany’s coolest jazz bands. Best to reserve.


British post-hardcore band Enter Shikari are playing the Theaterfabrik on Wednesday, if that’s more your thing.

Author-reading at The Readery: I first visited the author-reading a couple of years ago, and heard Stella Pierides read a terribly sad extract from a story she’d written (she also writes haiku, you can read more on her website). If you want to hear more from high-calibre Munich authors, pop down on Sunday, 20 January to The Readery for a glass of bubbly and a chat with some lovely writers.

Have a lovely week!

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