Surf & Skate Festival

Munich’s nearest sea is the northern coast of Italy, a good few hours away. No wide ocean and pearly white sands here. But wait, not so fast. Summer at the Munich’s Eisbach is a surf lover’s dream. Ice-creams, watching surfers’ tricks, and when the heat becomes unbearable, it’s a short walk to a nearby tree and some respite/a picnic in the shade.

Timely then, that Munich’s Surf & Skate Festival starts on the first day of August, in high summer.

What can we expect from a Munich surf and skate festival? Replays of Keep Surfing? Public viewing at the Eisbach? Thankfully, the organizers have a great deal more lined up for us.

First up, tomorrow, the German premiere adrenaline filled movie Last Paradise in the Citykino, embodying the true spirit of skating and surfing – adventure:

At the same time, you can catch Surfing and Sharks:

From 6pm on Friday, 3rd August, head down to the Kiosk am Eisbach to check out a surf and skate vernissage.

If that isn’t enough surf/skate for you, the courtyard at P1 are hosting a “miniramp workshop” from 1pm.

Check out the festival’s full program here.

Categories Exhibitions


I'm Rachel, the author behind Arts in Munich. I moved to Munich in the summer of 2008, and work as an editor in the city. I also do freelance work for the BBC, MONOCLE, Singapore Airlines and Kaltblut, among others, and previously wrote for the Huffington Post and Electronic Beats.

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