Crumbs – Kulturzentrum im Einstein

I’ve been invited to review the Canadian improv act CRUMBS, who are performing in the Kulturzentrum im Einstein on Friday and Saturday next week. I’m really looking forward to it, but improv actually terrifies me, even as an audience member. I fear that everything will fall apart, that the stream of thought will be taken in a very unfunny direction…basically, that something very awkward will take place.CRUMBS improv comedy

But I shouldn’t be too worried, the CRUMBS duo are seasoned professionals, and have been performing and touring for the past fifteen years. They’ve toured Europe more than any other improv act, and since 2002, they’ve been touring Europe on a yearly basis. This year, they’re touring with DJ Hunnicutt – one of Winnipeg’s favourite DJs.

I’m super-excited to see the show, and will report back next week. But I thought I should give you the heads-up to see if you fancied popping along too.

Catch their last two shows in Europe for 2012 on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th October in the Kulturzentrum im Einstein – more details on how to get there can be found here. Entrance – 18 €.

Photos courtesy of CRUMBS.

Categories Culture


I'm Rachel, the author behind Arts in Munich. I moved to Munich in the summer of 2008, and work as an editor in the city. I also do freelance work for the BBC, MONOCLE, Singapore Airlines and Kaltblut, among others, and previously wrote for the Huffington Post and Electronic Beats.

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